Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 30: 133-146 (1992)

原著論文Original Article

被引用文献の概念シンボル化医学雑誌論文を事例としてConcept symbolization of cited document: An analysis on medical journal articles

東邦大学医学部図書館Library, Toho University School of Medicine ◇ 〒143-8540 東京都大田区大森西五丁目21番16号 ◇ Omori-nishi 5-21-16, Ota-ku. Tokyo 143-8540, Japan

受付日:1992年9月15日Received: September 15, 1992
発行日:1993年3月31日Published: March 31, 1993

In order to explore how one particular scientific information can be passed from one researcher to another through citaion process, 258 papers published in medical journals were reviewed, all of which cite, one way or other, T. Kawasaki’s original paper reporting Kawasaki disease (MCLS). A thorough examination was made on these papers to determine the degree of application and interpretation of the original report on these research papers.

1) There are some instances when the author’s intension was not clear whether he refers specifically to the Kawasaki’s report or just states MCLS in general. 2) When several papers are chosen by the author for citation on a specific topic, it is often difficult to tell from which paper the information comes, or all of these established papers contain the same information. 3) In some cases, the paper accompanying a citation of the Kawasaki’s report does not necessarily reflect the original report’s content. Also, a further examination was carried out to confirm whether or not the Kawasaki’s report is cited repeatedly several times in single research paper.

The 258 research papers quoting the Kawasaki’s report are devided into 10 categories, according to the clinical characteristics they represent. 79% of these papers state that the Kawasaki paper is the first report introducing MCLS in medical community, thus “standard symbol”. 5 papers use the Kawasaki’s report merely as a source of the disease, thus “concept symbol” of MCLS.

With these findings, I can assume that the discrepancy between the interpretation of the Kawasaki’s report i n these research papers and the original report itself may arise from the fact that the research papers later published may have been based on advanced knowledge or technology relating to MCLS, resulting the citation’s transformation from “nonce symbol” to “concept symbol”.

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